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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Faith vs. Clarity, Spiritual Warfare Returning...

From deviantART.com by ~RandomK

Hey y'all! Hope all is going well for you guys! Georgia weather hasn't been treating me (or really, any one else) too kindly. Seriously... it needs to make up its mind. >:S

This week has been a week like none other... really, I have worked through and faced so many different aspects of my spiritual walk this week its pretty overwhelming. Last week I told y'all how I was having a hard time once again deciding whether or not to transfer to Toccoa Falls College. Some of you were gracious to help me with great advice and for that I'm grateful! The person who really helped me was my friend Rich Douglas. Rich and I have known each other for a couple of years and we recently were able to touch base again and get to hang out and talk again. Rich was just ordained and became the youth pastor of a baptist church out in Hartwell, GA. I was explaining to him my situation and how I was confused somewhat about whether to go or not. He told me a story he read in in a book by Brennan Manning called "Ruthless Truth", about a man who was trying to decide whether he wanted to serve in India with Mother Theresa or not. He asked her to pray for clarity for him. She said she would not. When asked why not, she replied that clarity was the one thing he still held onto and needed to let go of. It was keeping him from putting faith in what God was doing. In that instance I realized what I had been doing: I had become so focused on gaining clarity from God that I forgot that faith was the first step to it all. Clarity, most of the time, comes AFTER you put faith in him and begin the process of moving in the direction God is leading you. With that and support from my family and friends, I (again) have begun the process of heading to Toccoa Falls this coming fall semester.

Just as there is much celebration that comes with such a situation, there also comes opposition. Some of my friends and the faculty here at ACC have found out and of course are sadden and have tried to convince me otherwise but there is no use. Unfortunately the school doesn't have the program that I need/want here so I have to go. As if that weren't enough, other things have been happening with me and around me. For the first time in a long time, I have again caught a seriously glimpse at the spiritual warfare that is going on. For the past two weeks, I have heard/seen things that I can't describe in any other manner but that the Enemy is ramping up his attacks here on people, their family, situations, etc. For the first time in a while, I have had some "confrontations" with the enemy. Many of my friends have come to me, expressing issues and concerns they have and are facing right now when ever they are away from this campus. Issues like not being able to fend off the enemy, participating in sins they know better than to do, being abused verbally by so called "friends" and family, they and their family members suddenly falling gravely ill and bed ridden, getting robbed, tense situations occurring in public places where police had to get involved, being physically attacked by strangers, getting into car accidents... and the list goes on and on! I tried to figure out why it was happening and when it all got started... it started 2 weeks ago... when I decided to apply to Toccoa Falls!

What was worse was when a few nights ago the enemy came to me! As I was laying in my bed I suddenly felt like someone had thrown this blanket on top of me that covered me completely. When I opened my eyes the room was a lot darker than it should be. I thought it was just because I was so tired. As I closed my eyes to go back to sleep, I felt this pressure on one eyelid then the other as if someone was trying to keep my eyes closed. I ignored it and thought it was my sinuses acting up. The next day for some reason, that situation wouldn't leave me and I couldn't shake it so I took it to God and tried to find out what it meant. That's when I knew it was a warning: a whole new level of darkness was going to descend upon me/ACC/East Point and that the very borders of protection that is set up around our school was going to be tested. As I began to realize this, I actually began to see for the first time the hedges of protection that are set up around this school and its people and how this place is a place of refuge for people here, it is a light in this dark area of the city... so for the past couple of days I have been going to God in prayer, strapping on my armor once again and heading into battle to fight against the enemy once again...

Please, PLEASE pray for me and my school, that the hedge of protection over is stay strong against the enemy, that we may continue to be the light in this dark area and more so that this place be a safe place for sinners but not their sins... thanks everyone and God bless!



About Me

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Hey there! Jeanne here! In case you're wondering, I'm 26 years old in college right now studying History and later to teach it. I love meeting new people and getting to know more about others... especially if I can help them out!!

Wisdom Archive...

  • Watchman Nee
  • Og Mandino
  • Bruce Wilkinson
  • Max Lucado
  • Mitch Albom
  • William P Young
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  • Oswald Chambers
  • AW Tozer
  • CS Lewis
  • Hannah Hurnard
  • Gene Edwards
  • Richard Foster
  • Dean Sherman
  • Neil Anderson
  • Randy Newman
  • Joyce Meyer
  • Beth Moore
