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Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Packing Begins, Understanding Men Better (or at least TRYING to) and A Late Night...

Hey guys! Another week or so, Another blog for y'all to check out and see what's up with me... ;)

So its almost time... I have two days before I head to Toccoa and start into some new adventures! I can't wait!! :D I've been in checklist/packing mode for the past week trying to make sure I have everything I need to move up there with! And thanks to some wonderful friends, I have been able to get some necessities that I couldn't get so I have to give a big shout out of thanks to my friends like Rich, Melissa, Meghan and some others! Thanks guys... I wouldn't have been able to get ready without you! :*)

So as I told you the last time, I was finishing up Brennan Manning's Ruthless Trust and was looking around for something else to read... you know, something meaty and heavy to read and chew on during my quiet time and all. I haven't been able to find anything yet so any suggestions would be welcomed! Right now though I've started reading a book a friend of mine told me about years ago and never read it all the way through so I decided to pick it up and vowed to finish it this time... Shaunti Feldhahn's For Women Only. This book is about the results that came from her running several surveys and statistical experiments on over 1,000 men in order to truly and honestly understand men from the inside out! And let me tell ya... there have been so many times that I've had to pick my jaw off the floor after reading, learning and understanding some things about men that I never knew! Now that I do have this information, I hope that I can start implementing them so that I can become a better daughter, sister, and friend to all the men in my life (and eventually become an understanding and encouraging girlfriend and wife when the time comes).

Anyway, last night was a first for me... I had a hard time falling asleep so obviously I stayed up till 4am! >.< Why? Well... its hard to explain. It might have been all the stuff that is going on with me with the move to Toccoa, the expectations, the feeling of leaving again, etc. It may be that I again had to face some feelings and thoughts that I've had for a while now when it comes to different things about myself, my life, my relationships with others and my walk with God. It may have been a sudden need and urgency to pray for my family and friends, near and far. I prayed, cried, humbled, rejoiced and sang last night to God which I hadn't done in a while; thanking him for the good and the bad; the past, present and future; for my friends and enemies... its been a while since I've done something like that and I KNOW I needed it. It helped me today as I was going about my day... and it helped my heart begin to fill with more excitement and happiness for all that is happening and coming my way and more importantly, feeling and being overjoyed, blessed and humbled by God's love, presence and promise in my life. Yes, very good indeed... :)

Well that's it for now! Hopefully the next time I'll be talking to you will be when I'm up in Toccoa and getting things under way for school! I hope and pray that y'all have a great, new and blessed week ahead and I hope I see some of y'all soon... later days!



About Me

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Hey there! Jeanne here! In case you're wondering, I'm 26 years old in college right now studying History and later to teach it. I love meeting new people and getting to know more about others... especially if I can help them out!!

Wisdom Archive...

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