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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Coming along, A friend in trouble, What I don't deserve vs. What God wants for me

Hey guys! Hope all is going well for everyone! Well lets get to it, shall we? ;)

Well... thankfully, I'm not like the guy above anymore! Things are going pretty well when it comes to school! I've taken a couple of my tests already and turned in a couple of papers already and I seem to be adjusting to things here at Toccoa Falls. I see what the expectations and requirements are here for students and all. I'm really enjoying my time here: I'm being challenged in ways I hadn't in such a long time academically, mentally and even spiritually! Not only that, I've begun to actually challenge myself and get out with people, meeting them and developing new friendships and relationships! Hey I even procrastinated and went to a Braves game with my best friend Rich and some friends of his in Atlanta this past weekend! It was great! :D

I would however, like to ask you guys to be in prayer for an old friend of mine. Her name is Cassie and she, my sister and I were close friends and that was something big for me especially since I lived in Colorado and didn't have really any friends at all. Last I heard of her, she was married and had two beautiful baby boys. This past week I was contacted by her family and told some devastating news: unfortunately, she got in trouble with the law and was arrested due to being a part of a Meth drug ring out of Mexico. Right now, Cassie is still being processed for where they will put her in prison since it was her first offense, her children are in the care of her parents and she is hoping that this situation will help her get clean and back on the right track in life. Please be in prayer for her and her family right now, especially her two little boys. I know it has to be scary and heartbreaking for all involved... I just hope and pray God's will to be done and his love, peace and grace be upon all in this situation.

Well... God is doing quite a number on me still when it comes to love and relationships and the like. Right now, one thing in particular that I'm beginning to be challenged in is something a very wise "mentor", you could say, was talking to me about this a day or so ago. I was telling her how there are lot of times with people I only allow so much of myself to be exposed and to be close to others. Over the years of moving from place to place, I'm not use to having friendships/relationships lasting very long so I only share so much of myself and then I build up walls around my heart (I've also realized that I do this alot with guy friends too). Its nothing personal its just... I'm use to be being disappointed in people because... well they're people (and yes, I'm sure I've done it too to people but that's beside the point right now...) and so I build up defenses and just wait for the shoe to drop because... well it always does especially when it gets to a certain point in a relationship. "Its crazy... especially when there is someone so incredible who is a Godly person, who encourages me, sees the things in me I can't see and shows it to me and just by being my friend challenges me to be a better friend and Christian." "Why? Why is that weird?" She inquired. "Because I feel like I don't deserve them... yet I want them in my life!" She looked me dead in the eye said, "Kinda like God and us. We didn't do anything to deserve redemption or Christ... but God wanted that for us because he loves us that much. What makes you think that because you don't deserve something so great, something that is the best of its kind that God doesn't want that for you? If its the best of the best that God could possibly have for you in your life, why not accept it? The writing is on the wall and you're covering your eyes..." My friend shook her head at me, leaned back and said, "Jeanne, I want you to think of person right now in your life who is close and dear to you; not a family member but a friend..." So I did and as soon as I thought of them, she asked "Y'all pretty honest with each other?" "Absolutely!" "Do you trust that person?" (If you know me and/or have read my blogs from earlier this summer about having faith and trust in others, you'll know how big of a deal this is) "Well... yes, I do. I trust them more than I have ever trusted someone before." "Well have they done anything to make you harbor even a shred of doubt against them?" she inquired. "No... no they haven't." "Then why the need for a defense when there is nothing for you to defend against? Stop trying to 'fight' against what's to come next in the relationship and 'fight' against the walls that you are starting to build or else they will leave you." ((O.O)) It was like something clicked in my heart, mind and soul all at the same time... I saw why I wasn't developing relationships properly. I wasn't giving anyone the chance to get so close to me... and I realize now... if I don't, how are people to experience God and his love if they can't get to my heart where he dwells? All I know is that this is going to be an interesting process and "fight" to come... ;)

Well that's it for now... thanks for reading (sorry it was kinda long!) Hope y'all have a great one and I'll see ya around! Later days!



About Me

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Hey there! Jeanne here! In case you're wondering, I'm 26 years old in college right now studying History and later to teach it. I love meeting new people and getting to know more about others... especially if I can help them out!!

Wisdom Archive...

  • Watchman Nee
  • Og Mandino
  • Bruce Wilkinson
  • Max Lucado
  • Mitch Albom
  • William P Young
  • JRR Tolkien
  • Oswald Chambers
  • AW Tozer
  • CS Lewis
  • Hannah Hurnard
  • Gene Edwards
  • Richard Foster
  • Dean Sherman
  • Neil Anderson
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  • Joyce Meyer
  • Beth Moore
